Today I got home from work (walked of course with Iines and dragged a dogfood bag with me and heavy shoulderbag full of weird stuff) and without resting even a bit, I started cooking for bf. What?!? I hardly cook, like really cook, for myself and now I find myself cooking ONLY for him even if I'm tired.
And this gets worse...
After cooking I cleaned the whole house! Vacuume-cleaning, dusting, organizing, all that! Next I think I have to find a nearest doctor to check me out in case some deadly disease that makes me act like this.
Btw, while I was vacuuming the kitchen, my darling little Gekko dog had managed to get trapped in my christmas lights hanging from curtain rod. When I went to the livingroom he was happily coming to see me and the lights, curtain rod and curtains were following behind him... Busy little man.
Here's what I made. Spicy garlic pepper-carrot soup. Bit flavour from goat cheese, but not much since he is dieting. I like it, but I put bit too much chili sauce for my taste, so I bet he likes it.