Other than that little age crisis, I had a great weekend!
Saturday evening me, bf and doggies went to my parents house to eat yummy eat. Menu was artichoke-sundried tomato salad, shrimp pasta and b-day cake. And ofcourse I got a b-day drink too, made from strawberries and champagne.
I got lovely presents too!
This black Mariskooli had been on my want-list for quite long time ♥

And I got two products from Lush. Had to try them immediately in sauna, and they are as good as they say!

And this lovely summer shirt, it will be great with my denim shorts and some bright bikini top.

And this Uglydoll I got from my friend. Isn't he adorable in his ugly way?

On Saturday bf told me that we are going to celebrate my birthday on Sunday. I had no idea what he had in mind so I was anxiously waiting on Sunday for he to come home from work.
When he got home, he told me to get ready that we are going somewhere in the city. After we got near Kamppi shopping centre, he gave me 500€ and told me that we are going shopping and all that money needs to be spend on my new clothes and/or accessories only!
I was so happy, because I'd been wanting new clothes and since I rarely have money to spend on anything this was like a lottery win for me.
So we spent the whole afternoon shopping and trying on different clothes. And stopped to crab a bite in Fazer bakery.
This is what I bought...
A straples summerdress from Carlings.

A close up of the pretty print.

T-shirt with old school style tattoo print.

This pic is on back side.

Short sleeved velour hoodie with some girly details.

New sneakers. These are so good to wear, feels like I would have always walked in these.

Super cute yellow heels, also very comfy to wear.

Diesel skinny jeans. I made an exeption of my usual style and bought some other colour than the usual blue or black. I feel a bit teen age punkrocker in these, but I try to ignore that thought.

Long black shirt with a neon colored (colors are fading in this pic, IRL they are more brighter) print of a girl in it.

Two long basic tops, pink and black nail polish, sunglasses and a haircolor.

This isn't mine. Bf bought it for himself, but as I always wear his clothes, I wanted to put this here too. Haha, poor guy, tries to update his wardrobe and I steal all his new clothes!

3 kommenttia:
Kyllä kelpasi vanhentua! Ihan mieletön päivä, pääsisipä sitä joskus itsekin tuollaisen summan kanssa kaupoille. Varsinkin tietäen, että kaikki on käytettävä! :omg:
Toisaalta saattaisin ahdistua niiden ihanien tavaroiden keskellä omaan päättämättömyyteeni niin paljon, että alkaisin hepuloimaan. Juoksisin pitkin kauppakäätäviä jalat haarallaan silmät moljottaen ja tekisin syöksyhyökkäyksiä ihmisiä kohtaan...
Oli kyllä ihana päivä, ei voi kieltää. Illalla sain vielä vadelma-skumppa drinkkejä ja itse tehtyjä ruishampurilaisia ♥
Mutta en mäkään ilman ahdistusta tuosta selvinnyt, iski välillä pihistelyfiilis ja kun tuo tuli niin yllärinä, niin oli vaikea miettiä mihin kaikkialle sitä vielä ehtii ja mitä jos siellä on jotain ihanaa ja ehdin tuhlata kaiken ennen sitä ja mitä jos.... :D
Ja satanen jäi käyttämättä vielä ja pihistelyfiilis vain kasvaa. Kaupat meni silloin sunnuntaina kiinni ennen kuin ehdin kaikki tuhlata ja nyt on vaikea päättää mihin sen viimeisen satasen sijoittaisi. Vaikeita päätöksiä, vaikeita päätöksiä...
Täytyy kyllä sanoa, että on mulla pienet murheet.
Heya, I definitely agree, your heels are super cute! Was wondering what the store was you bought them from, and If they have a website, as I would love to order some. I came across this website by Google searching "cute yellow heels" .. so I doubt I'll come across this website again. If you could email me that would be great.
Thanks, Rachel.
email; rachel.harris@live.co.uk
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