After my quiet night at home, the next day was full of activities. It was Wappu and like thousands of other Finns, I headed to Ullanlinna to see my friends and crash their picnic. Weather was cloudy but still warm enough for me to wear my brand new dress and heels. Here's some pics from yesterday.

My heels and bag with Tarina Tarantino bag candy.

And my champagne which I decorated with a golden bow.

E and her fabulous yellow earrings ♥

There were surprisingly many dogs too. Actually I concidered taking Gekko with me too, but soon came to my senses and left him home. It would have been a great opportunity for him to learn to be around LOTS of people, but maybe I'll choose some other time and place.. and without drunken people...

That's me...
E text messaging and trying to get lucky.....
These were soooo good!! I ate 6.
A's cool candy bag and E's kitty shoes.

Depressed P1, worrying about her upcoming first day of work.

E and P2.

Funky Lady!

My My Little Pony balloon I got from bf.

2 kommenttia:
Ihan randomina eksyin tähän blogiin lie monenko linkin kautta ja katsos! Tuollahan on kuva meikän selästä. Onko tämä nyt jotain johdatusta? Pitäisikö mun lotota tms.?
Hauska blogi.
Jos lottoat niin provikat mulle, mutta jos häviät niin älä tule pyytämään lottokupongin hintaa takaisin :D
Mikähän noista kaikista selistä on sun..?
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