I sure know what I'm gonna do. LOTS of hooping I can tell you! Got my very first custom made hoop delivered to me yesterday. Silvery prisma tape with yellow and pink stripes. *love*
It's so much more fun to hoop with a real big and heavy hoop than those toy hoops I bought from toystore a while ago.
Strarted practising yesterday evening and spent hour and a half hooping and learning all the basics from stalling the hoop to spinning in both ways and hooping in both ways and moving a bit. Now my hips and lovehandles are sore and bruised and I love it! ♥

4 kommenttia:
Mistä noita vanteita saa, kun mulla on vaan sellanen kämänen lastenversio :)
Tilasin Katilta Oulusta, Hoop-A-Trixiltä. Sen sivut ei oo toiminu ainakaan mun koneella hetkeen, mutta eiköhän ne oo kohta pystyssä taas.
Suosittelen! :)
Niitä voi tehdä myös itse, Hooping.orgissa on ainaki ohjeita.
I love that CSS album and hooping sounds like so much fun, I can't believe you have a custom made one, so fancy! x
Oh that album is so good! Put that on when you are feeling down and it's an instant happy mood again :D
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