Small post
A week has passed again without any new post, sorry for that. I've been very busy and also the day I decided to post the "what's in your bag" -post, I realized that my beloved Tazmanian devil dog Gekko had broken my new Canon. So maybe the next pic I will post after fixing my camera will be about my new bull terrier fur gloves... They really say you can't live without dogs huh? Makes you think...
Nah, Gekko is my darling. Causes more grey hair on my head than it's even legal, ashames me in public by farting in bus, whining and jumping to greet people when he shouldn't but still is the loveliest dog in my life. My little monkey child.
Ps. Can someone tell me why some of the pics I put here can be clicked larger and some can't?
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4 kommenttia:
Oh no, I hope you can get your camera fixed! Thanks for the comment. x
Awww...that's not good! Your brand new camera? Do you have an insurance on it? I know a friend of mine who has a beagle has some sort of insurance because he likes to chew on things! ;)
Cute pictures!
Um.. Well.. Let's just say that I should read the instruction manual before thinking something is broken..
The staff in the camera shop had a great laugh thanks to my blond moment. But good news is that the camera is NOT broken after all, I'm just a bit stupid LOL
Haha...well, that's good to hear! ;)
Can't wait for the "What's in my bag" post. I love those!
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