So what did I buy from LUSH after all? Loooots of amazing stuff! My plan was to take a pic of my purchases but I was too hasty to try them and unwrap them so you have to settle with these product images by LUSH.
It took me over half an hour to decide what I want. The very first thing I wanted was this super cute, japanese candy shaped facial scrub bar called Sweet Japanese Girl. I have used it for couple of times now and really like it. It leaves a soft oily feeling on your skin and I don't need moisturiser after using it!

Then of course had to take one of their lip balms. After a big fighting Chocolate Whipstick won over apple pie and vanilla scented Lip Squeak.

One of the biggest disapointments about my home is that there's no bath tub. What to do? LUSH is full of the loveliest, most colourful and craziest bath bombs and I can't use them! Solution was easy - an aromatherapeutic emotibomb for shower. I picked up the lime, lemon and grapefruit scented Up You Get emotibomb that should give you a kickstart to a new day.

Of course I had to get one of the soap bars too. After a long and hard "what to pick"-moment I got the Porrige Soap bar. I love the smell on my skin after washing up with this! It's so sweet and vanilla-like and good for sensitive skin.

Shower gel wasn't something I needed now when I still have my The Body Shop Coconut shower gel left, but I had to get a small bottle of this Yummy Yummy Yummy shower gel with fresh strawberries.

After my purchases I also got few product samples from the very nice shop assistant. Overall I had a great service in LUSH and there was always someone when I needed help or didn't know what some product was or how it was used. No one breathing on my neck but always close enough so I didn't have to run after anyone to get some assistance.
First sample was a cleansing bar for face called Fresh Farmacy. Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.

Then I got a sample of Ice Blue soap bar that should make a wonderful pair with the Up You Get emotibomb according to the sales assistant.

This was something I concidered buying but ran out of money. A hair conditioner bar Jungle. I tried it on Sunday and don't know yet how I feel about it. Using a bar on my hair feels a bit strange but maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it. Jungle left my hair feeling fresh and maybe little bit thicker. Have to use this for a while to see if I like it or not.

Just before I was about to leave I spotted these surprise bags. I had 10e left so I took the 10e surprise bag that held products worth of 20e inside it. At home I found these in it:
A Chocolate Santa bath bomb.

And a Spicy Curl soap bar, which actually was one of the competitors against the Porrige soap bar! Yay!

There was also too bath bubble bars that I can't find from web, maybe they don't make them anymore. I told before that I don't own a bath tub so I have a bit of a problem now. The Santa will be living in my wardrobe and it's job will be giving a lovely scent to all my clothes. Bubble bars just have to wait until I stay in someplace with a bath tub.
6 kommenttia:
Lush is wonderful, I totally agree. My problem with Lush is that the products expire in about two weeks, so most of the things go wasted. I, like you, always buy lots of stuff:) The products do seem usable though, but the scent is like 20years old make up, yuk. Saying that I still find myself returning to Lush, ha! But what wouldn't you pay for non-animal tested 100% natural product
Suggestion: Not sure if they have it in Finland, but it's this blue (comes also in Blackberry and some other) gunk, like Ghostbuster's Ectoplasm- looking mush, ha. Totally veganic, believe it or not (looks like gelatin). I find the blue most wonderful after tiring working day /jet lack or what ever! Superb, just scrub your body from face, head and to toes and feel completely refreshed!
Yup, there is still a difference between The Body Shop product's scents and Lush product's scents. Some Lush products are just way too manly for my taste - like the Jungle hair conditioner bar.
TBS has more girly and fruity scents that appeal to me. But still.. Lush fever is here to stay LOL
Thanks for the tip! I was eyeing those Ectoplasma looking thingies, but with them I thought they maybe don't last long? Doesn't that jelly melt fast?
Hmmm, I'm not sure how they were packed at yours, but mine was in one of those thin cardboard take-away looking boxes, heh. It has been ok, though some moist spots have appeared through the card, but from all the other products that I've had to throw away so much, it been the best (for me):) It doesn't really melt as such, it starts soaping up when you rub it against your hands and kinda heats up, it's more of a soapy texture while in use than a liquid:) There's not much in one box, but it takes you through maybe 15- 20 (if not more) tired days, heh:) It's indeed a miracle product, and I'm a rather sceptic person, ha! (sorry for being anonymous, I just bumped into your lovely blog, I don't have one myself:))
They pack them in cardboard boxes in here too. Maybe I'll try one of those funny looking jellies when I next time need something fun from LUSH.
"Sweetie Pie" looks fun. Blackberry isn't the number one thing for me but I'm a sucker for multi-coloured glitter, hahhah!
And no worries about being anonymous, I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
sounds great! I need to pick one too.
Käytiin kahdessakin Lushin liikkeessä ollessamme Dublinissa viime kuussa ja täytyy kyllä sanoa, että vastaavaa palvelua olen tuskin saanut missään. Myyjiä oli varmaan viisi pienessä liikkeessä ja kaikki vuoron perään olisivat kertoneet jotakin jostakin tuotteesta. Mukavaa, mutta toisaalta vähän ahdistavaa tällaisen sulkeutuneen suomalaisen mielestä. Tykkään ehkä haistella ja ihmetellä kaikkia juttuja itsekseni, sillä sielläkin niitä vaihtoehtoja ja tuoksuja on mielettömästi. Totta on, että monesti täytyy kysyä myyjältä tuotteista, että mitä ne ovat, miten ne toimivat. :P Mieli teki naamiota, sitä suklaista, mutta en raaskinut ostaa. Hinnat ovat aika korkeat, vaikka siellä ne toki olivat halvempia mitä Suomessa.
Ostin tuota maustesaippuaa köntin ja tykkään ihan kamalasti. Pesen sillä aina naaman, sillä se kuorii samalla ja jättää ihon mukavan pehmeäksi. Nauratti yhdessä liikkeessä niiden myyjien välinen kemia. Olivat niin iloisia, auttavaisia, kovaäänisiä ja rentoja. Ainoat paikalliset joiden kanssa tuli kunnolla heitettyä läpyskää ja naurettua.
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