I'd like to welcome everybody to the renewed BonBone on Saturday (11:00-16:00) or Sunday (12:00-17:00), this upcoming weekend!
Everything will be new and it's all a consequence of combining the two of Helsinki's first dog boutiques BonBone and Le Petit Chien.
We have painted, organized, sweated very unladylikely, sewed, cleaned, unpacked, packed, ordered, panicked, planned, gotten slightly delusional cause of lack of sleep, glued, sawed, sanded,.. the list just goes on and on, but all was done to achieve what we can proudly represent on this Saturday.
New products, renewed and expanded shop, webshop and lots of other fun stuff, all in the same address in Ullanlinna, Helsinki.
Come and check out the autumn's hottest trends in dog world!
1 kommentti:
I would love to come...and I would love to have a dog again!
Hope you're having a great time!
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