I got him home yesterday evening and today we have stayed home recovering. I feel like a stay-home-mom sleeping only 2h at a time, making oatmealporrige (with some saithe to make it a proper recovery food for the little doggie) and feeding him with a spoon. He has been very reluctant to eat or drink but with some TLC, he's now getting better and stronger hour by hour.
Here's a hilarious video that cheered me up quite a bit. Found the link to it from Mai's blog and btw, she has a great blog, go and check it out!
Thanks to A, who has been giving me and Gekko a ride way too many times, kept me company when Gekko wasn't home and been there for me in all the different ways that can be imagined. Thanks also to J and Iines for letting me stay at their place when I couldn't be home alone and E and all the other super people around me for all they've done. ♥
4 kommenttia:
Anytime. Pääasia et te molemmat voitte paremmin <3
Good to hear that the little guy is doing better! I had him in my thoughts the last days! It's always good to have friends to go through things like that together!
Give him a big "Get-well-very-soon" smooth for me.
"smooch" i meant ;)
ihihii ihan superihana video. piristi :)
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