Last night was amazing! I learned the whole 6 minute long dance and danced it with 89 other zombies in the railwaystation of Helsinki. The fact that makes me the most proud is, that I have zero, I repeat ZERO, dancing experience nor skills and despite that I managed to learn the dance and take part to this amazing event.
So ladies and gentlemen, Thrill The World 2009, Helsinki Finland!!!
2 kommenttia:
Wow! Very cool you guys did that! :)
Oooh, te olitte vielä niin laittautuneita. Vau. Sun maski on tosi taidokas, et ihan hirveästi näytä meinaan itseltäsi.
Suostuin katsomaan tuon videon kerran, mutta uusintaa en ota. Harmittaa liikaa.
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