So this week I gave myself a treat and went to Popot sneaker store to spend the last from my gift card. I went there to get Reebok's Top Down Basquait sneakers in white/black, but then changed my mind and took the turqoise ones instead. Good choise, even that the white/black ones look better in the pic, it's not the case IRL. (And Madonna's dancers bought these too from Popot sneaker store!)
I'm almost as cool as Madonna
I'm slowly recovering from the shop opening and all the crazy things around it.
So this week I gave myself a treat and went to Popot sneaker store to spend the last from my gift card. I went there to get Reebok's Top Down Basquait sneakers in white/black, but then changed my mind and took the turqoise ones instead. Good choise, even that the white/black ones look better in the pic, it's not the case IRL. (And Madonna's dancers bought these too from Popot sneaker store!)
And what's that pink ribbon under my new sneakers?! It's the wrap of my new toy I got from J (with who we are btw trying the whole boyfriend - girlfriend thing again and giving it a shot), a longboard! So far I can only say, that I suck with it and me + longboard is pretty much a deadly combination. But I'll learn and become one of those super cool guys who hit the streets of Helsinki with their cool longboards. I'm sure I will.
So this week I gave myself a treat and went to Popot sneaker store to spend the last from my gift card. I went there to get Reebok's Top Down Basquait sneakers in white/black, but then changed my mind and took the turqoise ones instead. Good choise, even that the white/black ones look better in the pic, it's not the case IRL. (And Madonna's dancers bought these too from Popot sneaker store!)
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2 kommenttia:
Hieno valinta toi lonkkuilu, se on niiiiin kivaa ja kyl sä opit kun kerta mäkin joskus opin!:D mut pakotettiin joskus oppimaan ja nyt jo sujuu ihan hyvin!!:D
p.s. Makeet uudet tennarit!Peukku siis myös niille!!:) ja Gekolle rapsuja!:)
Edistystä on tapahtunut sen verran, että mä kykenen menemään tasaisella suoraan joitain metrejä panikoimatta. :D
Mä oon kyllä niin vitsi. En oo kuulemma kovin cool skeittari, hahhah! Kyllä tää tästä, yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta..
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