I'm back from my holiday in Stockholm and I must say that Stocholm is so beautiful and inspiring city, that I'd like to move there someday. Naturally I took pictures and I divided them in three sections: dog shows, stocholm in general and things I bought. That way I don't have to make one over long post with millions of pics.
Here comes the dog show pics. Basicly I only took pics of Gekkos relatives, some are just random other miniature bull terriers. Enjoy!
Gekkos brother Kasper. Bulliebompa's Copperplate Gothic. I call him marshmellow boy because he is cute as a candy and truly a darling.

Gekkos other brother Putte. Bulliebompa's Cooper Black.
Veronica in the showring with Putte.

Maggie in the showring with Kasper.
Junior female class. I'm the third from left with Wilma (Gekkos sister) and 2nd from left is Bubbles, a lovely mini we have been in obidience classes with. And on my other side is Nikita with Gekkos sister Bibbi.

Putte thought it was too hot weather and didn't want to look showy. Kasper on the otherhand was bit too active, but that was because there was a bitch in season and he wanted to have some mambo with her...

Dier's Golden Ghost of Mooncrafts, called as Ants. This lovely boy won on Wednesday and Thursday and Saturday he did very well too.

Me in the showring with Gekkos sister Wilma. The judge was nice old lady and very friendly, but I think she needs glasses because she saw blue dots on both Wilmas and Bibbis eyes and I can assure you, they both have really dark brown eyes! Old lady just didn't notice it was the blue sky reflecting from the dogs eyes....

Beautiful Wilma (Bulliebompa's Chubby Cheeks).

Putte looking handsome.

Gekkos auntie Bookie (Bulliebompa's Apple Chancery) looking smashing in the show ring.

Gekkos grandma, Mamma Mu with Veronica. Muffins really enjoys shows and they were having a blast with Vera in the ring. Muffins' kennel name is Bullactiv Red Feather.

Gekkos sister Bibbi, Bulliebompa's Creampuff posing on the parking area.
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